Friday, May 4, 2012

Food Poisoning Symptoms and Treatment

The first symptoms of food poisoning can occur 10 minutes or 2-3 hours, even 10 hours after eating. The most prominent manifestation gastritis, intestinal, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.The poisoning symptoms of heart disease also caused by dehydration - electrolyte or caused by the toxin (tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, arrhythmias), high fever, low temperature (usually caused by bacteria and toxins of bacteria). Depending on the cause of poisoning, the patient may be respiratory distress (from eating puffer fish), cyanosis (due to poisoning cassava and fresh bamboo shoots), liver failure and coagulopathy (poisonous mushroom poisoning), diabetes less , anuria (due to poisoning poisonous mushrooms, honey carp) ... Cases of poisoning due to infection - are more likely food poisoning diagnosis, while poisoning by overdose preservatives, pesticides and plant growth stimulant often difficult to diagnose.

Food Poisoning Symptoms

Dehydration and electrolyte is dangerous symptoms may lead to death. So, first the enrichment of water and electrolytes. The simplest is for the patient oserol or roasted rice water sweetened with sugar, salt while waiting to hospital. This has reduced the mortality rate significantly, especially in children and the elderly. When necessary, they must transmit epidemic is best ringer lactate solution, is full of electrolytes. Also, you can use as isotonic NaCl 0.9% and Glucose 5% KCL for more ... In the case of low blood pressure, do not use the hypertonic solution because it will endanger patients.

Food poisoning symptoms
Food Poisoning Symptoms

Patients also used to reduce pain and bowel irritation such as Buscopan, visceralgine; lower heat when a high fever with paracetamol. If infected, antibiotics such as ampicillin, amoxicillin, peflox, biseptol ..... During treatment, patients should eat loose, lightweight, easy to use map criteria such as lean meat porridge.If the cause is chemical poisoning food preservation, protection of plants or animals due to toxic, in addition to the above measures, the patient needed additional antidote is activated charcoal. This is a small fine powder, black, odorless. One gram of oral activated charcoal surface is spread over 900 - 1500 m2, even more than 3000 m2, while 1 g of activated charcoal not only spread 2-4 m2. Therefore, activated carbon adsorption has great ability, especially the substance poisoning by ingestion. It can be used with one or more doses of several types: powder, solution, emulsion.

Recommended dose of activated charcoal 1-2 g / kg body weight, can be coordinated with sorbitol with equivalent or double doses. For children: 1 g / kg body weight.

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